The Wordshop’s First Summer Was a Success!

That’s thanks to all of you, the adults who took a chance on the weird writing and book lady. I’m eternally grateful for your trust and support.

  • I talked books with dozens of kids, including South-Broadland Presbyterian Church’s Over the Rainbow daycampers in Kansas City, MO, this summer. Both there and around my dining room table, the discussions were lively, insightful, and full of “aha!” moments. Your readers pushed themselves to conquer long and often challenging texts, and I’m super proud of each and every one of them.

  • The Wordshop also hosted three regular writing groups this summer. We learned the story of Hansel and Dave, met Cooper the troll, and heard the most terrifying tale about an amusement park I’ve ever come across. We were also introduced to the Mermalow, a cross between a mermaid and buffalo. The stories pouring out of these kids are incredible, and watching them enjoy and build off one another’s work is a true delight.

The Wordshop has way more awesome stuff in store for the fall and beyond (We’re publishing a real live book!), so scroll down if you’re ready for another season of classes, community, and tons of literary fun. (Want to get in on the magic? Mrs. Kristin is offering book clubs for adults!)

Writing Classes for Tweens AND Teens

Cursive and Commas: Come for the penmanship and punctuation lessons, stay for the mother-daughter comedy routine.

Get a Grip on Punctuation: Clear up confusion about commas, colons, semi-colons, and all their pause-related friends.

Down the Research Rabbit Hole: Turn research papers and projects into a treasure hunt with Mrs. Kristin’s tips and tricks for sourcing success.

Fright Night: Crafting Mood: Get into the spirit of the season with four sessions dedicated to writing creepy, mysterious, and downright sinister scenes.

Choose Your Own Adventure Staff: We’re choosing our own adventure; help us plan, write, edit, and publish.

High School Classes and Passes

Wordshop Membership: Make a commitment to your writing and the Wordshop community. Your $10 monthly fee gains you access to members-only activities and online forums.

Let’s Talk About Me (the College Essay Class): Hone the skills needed to tell the story you know best: yours.

Fiction Boot Camp: Get back to basics with plot, character, world-building, and idea-generating classes.

Gimme a Beat: Poetry Party: Poetry gets a bad rap. We’ll read the good stuff and try our hand at different styles.

Friday Night Write: Tackle the week’s writing prompt for a chance to win the grand prize and bragging rights.

Middle School Classes

Writing Sucks: Ease essay-related stress with Mrs. Kristin’s surefire strategies for conquering the five-paragraph essay.

Fracturing Fairy Tales: What if the Big Bad Wolf was a vegetarian?

Beyond Olympus: Make Mine a Myth: Zeus is great and all, but have you met Anubis and the Zorya?

Journalism 101: Mizzou J-School grad offers journalism basics class.

Playing with Poems: Is that a poem, or are you just happy to see me?

Thursday Night Write: Let inspiration take flight with Mrs. Kristin’s semi-weekly prompt.


Classes Start Soon!