Girl Scout Classes

Welcome to The Wordshop, Girl Scouts!

Once upon a time, Mrs. Kristin spun around in a circle, looked in a mirror, and recited an oath about doing her best to be a good citizen. She sewed scrunchies, cleaned latrines, and learned a bunch of songs, but she never earned a writing badge.

But guess what? You can!

Upcoming Classes

  • quotation marks, ellipses, comma, colon, and semi-colon

    Seniors Novel Writing Badge Workshop

    Take a crash course in novel writing. We'll dive into plot structure, characters, and world-building, then tackle some writing prompts to get the ink flowing.

  • Cadette Screenwriting Badge Workshop

    Learn how to write for the big and small screens. Learn what makes a good script great, brainstorm ideas for a story, create characters, build a plot, and start writing a script.

  • Junior Scribe Badge Workshop

    Read and write poems, craft a short story, and learn the ins and outs of personal narratives to earn the Scribe badge.

You Schedule It Workshops

  • line art face looking into a mirror

    Junior Scribe Badge Workshop (YSI)

    Read and write poems, craft a short story, and learn the ins and outs of personal narratives to earn the Scribe badge.

  • Cadette Screenwriter Badge Workshop (YSI)

    Learn how to write for the big and small screens. Learn what makes a good script great, brainstorm ideas for a story, create characters, build a plot, and start writing a script.

  • Seniors Novel Writing Badge Workshop

    Take a crash course in novel writing. We'll dive into plot structure, characters, and world-building, then tackle some writing prompts to get the ink flowing.