We are novelists and fan fic writers, poets and comic makers. We are artists, actors, and volleyball players; scientists, mathematicians, and Swifties; musicians, D&D enthusiasts, runners, dragon lovers, dancers, and wrestlers. We invented the mermallo, root for a troll named Cooper, and snuggle a dog named Daisy. We are voracious readers and deep thinkers. We collaborate, build worlds, and play MASH. Our volume always goes to eleven.

Kids-Only Book Clubs

A combination of instruction and discussion, Mrs. Kristin’s book clubs explore the author’s intentions and the reader’s experience. Kids are taught to think critically about what they read; even the youngest book clubbers are introduced to the concepts of themes, symbols, figurative language, and voice.

Writing Classes and Communities

Created specifically to meet the needs of middle- and high schoolers, Mrs. Kristin’s writing classes range from the remedial to the recreational. Master the five-paragraph essay and conquer your confusion over commas; join one of the long-term writing groups to hone your poetry skills or work on that idea for a novel.

Private Tutoring and Editing

Group instruction isn’t for everyone. Some students need help with a specific essay or application while others need an alternative teaching style. No problem. Mrs. Kristin also offers an in-person “Shred-It Edit” service, which allows your student to watch, ask questions, and learn as their paper is edited in real-time. Contact Mrs. Kristin to set up an appointment today.

Contact Us

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